Category: south korea

Kenapa tinggal di Korea Selatan itu enak?

Tulisan ini berisi pandangan saya selama tinggal di Korea Selatan. Kenyamanan public service dan kultur masyarakat yang saya rasakan selama di Korea sering membuat saya mendambakan Indonesia untuk segera berubah menuju yang lebih baik. Mari satu persatu saya utarakan alasan-alasan…

Sneaky Pinocchio

Seoul subway is always crowded and busy, there are 9 main lines in the subway, there are around 5 millions passengers coming in and out the train or transfer from line to line every day. As Seoul the metropolitan city…

Meeting EXO: Fans’s Dream Come True

charismatic leader    Do you have any idol? How do you admire your idol? By appreciating their work like buying their album, watching their movie, or get inspired by their fashion style? Having some of their posters on your wall? Having…

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