ROoooArrr !!!

So this outfit contains 3 of my favourite items:
1. “Macan Cisewu” sock. When I found out there was local produsen who sell a sock with macan cisewu face printed on it I just couldn’t resist to buy.  
2. Embroidery tiger design on oversized sweatshirt by H&M. The size of the sweatshirt is actually XXXL, but it’s so cute and I love sweatshirt so… 
3. Nike AF1. I’m obsessed with Nike AF1. Period. I don’t have to explain this legendary classic shoes. Oh, and btw, I’ve been craving for this shoes more than a year, but during that period my size never available on Nike Store. So when one of my friend’s friend went to Japan, I dropped a purchase request.
So it’s my on-the-go outfit…. 

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