Time flies, I just realize that the last time I visit art exhibition was back in October last year. Last week I managed to visit an exhibition which just 15 minutes away from my office. Endiska, my friend, had recommend me this beautiful art space.
When I entered the lobby, there was non-rhythmic instrumental twang coming from inside the exhibition room. As I walked toward the exhibition room where the voice come from, I saw some cymbals and a guitar moved by themself and produced random notes every few minutes.
I do really enjoy the art, but this space is so pretty that I couldn’t resist not to take some pics of me next to those art installation which turned out to be “kind-of-shabby-OOTD-mix-hipster-ish-instagram-photo”, sorry but I had no preparation.
Back to business, so what is the story behind this contemporary art exhibition?
As written above, Bagus Pandega, the artist, combines the sound, words, objects, light and kinetic in his exhibition named Random Black.
I feel regret that I didn’t take any video because in my opinion to get the feeling of this exhibition, unlike 2 dimensional exhibition, is by watching the movement of those music instrument and listening its sound altogether.
Yes, the turntable does moving, and yes that’s a desk lamp
this cymbal and guitar move and create its sound randomly
when xylophone is the new discoball….
mandatory wefie with her, thank you for bringing me here dear <3
So that’s it my short visit in the middle of hustle bustle day, it was refreshing before I got back to office.
Surely I will do come to other contemporary art exhibition, I will try to keep updated with every exhibition here because I love being dazzled by creative artwork!
Post Views: 3,571
Nice post,, thanks for sharing
Cool! Ini di Equity Tower kah?
Reading this post makes me wanna go to an art exhibition again. Wow.. Anyway, I like the way you write your posts and you had such a lovely outfit! 🙂
Xoxo, Eiren.